Keep Going, You’re Almost There

This past summer, I attended “Welcome Week” at MSU with a few of my friends. It was there where I had my first MountainWings Moment.

My friends and I were walking the strip on our way back to the car when a random guy stopped us in the middle of the sidewalk. His pupils were huge, his face red and he was sweating like a mad man. “Just keep going, you’re almost there!” he shouted at us. It was with such excitement that he couldn’t be ignored.

“Almost where?” we asked. He replied with that same excitement, “Congratulations, you made it!”

It became apparent that the man was on some type of drug.  He proceeded to tell us he knew all of our names and had met us before (even though with names like ‘Jonesy and Leisel’ he was completely off). He stated that he knew me personally as Sarah from Cambodia. We laughed and wished the guy a good night as we kept on to our car.

It took months for me to look at the whole situation as more than a mere inside joke between a group of friends. It took months to recognize this MountainWings Moment for what it was, rather than just a funny story to be told to get a few laughs.

I am fifteen years old. I have already struggled through being witness to an abusive relationship between my parents, the death of a few friends due to drunk driving, being raped and experimenting with too many drugs. Just recently I realized I had lost my love for life entirely. Even more so, I lost the love and respect for myself.

“Just keep going, you’re almost there.”

I think I know now what that man was truly telling me. I think I understand now why such a random thing would happen on such a random night. I know now that not everything is as meaningless as most people make them out to be.

Lately I’ve been struggling with rediscovering the love for myself and for my life.  I’ve been losing many friends, making many enemies and dealing with a lot of confusion, heartbreak and betrayal. It’s all to get that love back, and I know someday it will be worth it.

It’s hard to fight with yourself to blossom into the person you are meant to be; the person meant to shine through mediocrity and discontentment. It’s hard to find the will to move on after a heartbreak, a letdown and a tragedy.

But keep going.  You’re almost there.

~A MountainWings Original by Brooke F., Dimondale, MI~



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